Change your career in 30 days.

Mightify's Career Change Challenge

You've got the talent, skills and experience to make an impact in any business. We just help get your foot in the door.

Join the next Cohort

A 4-step process to starting your next career. 

No secret sauce here, just a proven method to figure out your next career move, where to find those opportunities, and how to get them. 


Who Is Mightify For?

Our training programs are designed for 2 types of people:

1/ Mid-Service Police Leaver: We know - we've been there. Overworked, underpaid, and under valued. 

Why? Because in 2010, the government started dismantling the 'job for life' culture of policing and it's gone from bad to worse for 14 years. We loved our time in policing, but there are lots of reasons why it may be time to move on. We make no apologies for showing you the options on civvy street, and how to get those jobs if you want them.  

2/  Retired 'lifers':   We never made it to retirement, but after 6-months on the golf course or in the garden, ex-cops often decide they have more to offer (or pay off!).

You probably have questions about the pension, may be struggling with the 'identity crisis', or may be you're thinking of setting up your own business. We've built up an extensive network of cops who've transitioned into new careers successfully, and we can help you do the same.

So whether you're looking for more money, faster career progression, or just more free time, we can help you find it.

Ready to start your next chapter?
Join us in the next cohort of the Career Change Challenge!

Sign Up Now

How does the Challenge work?

We deliver exceptional results with a blend of Mentorship, Education, and Accountability


When you join, you'll be added to a private Whatsapp channel. This channel will include Mightify Founder Tom Wheelhouse, CV writer Joe Crocker, and the other members of your cohort.

We encourage you to participate and ask questions in our live calls or chat group, you'll also have direct access to the Mightify team should you need it.


This is not NCALT - we promise! During the course you'll get 25 video lessons, around 10 minutes each.

The curriculum is designed to fit around your routine, so you can do everything in a couple of hours, or just commit 15 minutes a day - up to you.

By the end of the 4 weeks, you'll have automated job searches set up, a CV you can customise to any role you want, and engaging recruiters and hiring managers through a professional looking LinkedIn profile.


Finally, if you've struggled with making this change happen in the past, don't worry.

We have weekly catch up calls (Monday's at 6pm) Q&A sessions (Wednesdays at 7pm) with expert guests, which are all recorded so you can catch up if you can't make it.

We also include some fun challenges throughout the weeks to keep everyone moving forward and making progress.

Sam Harrington, Hampshire

"The course with Mightify has taught me that there is a person behind the warrant card, that we hold valuable transferrable skills to the private sector and that there is a life beyond policing, and I couldn't be more grateful. "

Paul Kinzett, Management Consultant - Brainswick Consulting

"I find Tom easy to talk to, knowledgable, reassuring and honest. The support he gave me in developing my CV and translating my experience into recruiter-friendly language was invaluable and, I've no doubt, helped me win conversations with potential recruiters and work. Tom is well networked and able to make appropriate connections - I'm really glad to have him as a trusted contact!"

Oliver Lage-Seijo, Yacht Manager

"Thoroughly recommended. Tom and his team really do some exceptional work and have helped me view my skills and experiences in a way that has properly prepared me for leaving the public sector."

Here's what's included:

Simple 4 Week Plan

Weekly Accountability Calls

Dedicated Whatsapp Group

20+ short, no fluff, video lessons

Recommended Jobs Shared

Professional CV

Access To An 20,000+ Professional Network

Everything you need to know is right here.

We know leaving can feel impossible. We've heard it all before... "Think about the pension", "Why not just wait for the next board?", "Fancy being a train driver do you?"

Honestly, it's not that difficult. 1000's of cops have left before you and been successful, but the job doesn't provide any support for leaving and the usual career services don't understand your unique skills and experience.

It's not just you.  Almost 10,000 officers left last year - nearly half through voluntary resignation.  These are the problems they all struggled with:

  • "I know I want to leave, but don't know where to start."
  • "What jobs are even out there for ex-cops?"
  • "I can't afford to take a paycut, but that looks like my only option."
  • "I don't have a degree or the qualification for the roles I want."
  • "I've sent out a few applications, but no one ever gets back to me. What am I doing wrong?"
  • "I haven't written a CV since school, how do I know if it's any good?"
  • "What happens if my boss finds out I'm looking for other jobs?"

There's nothing stopping you figuring this all out on your own, but we can save you from wasting precious time, money, and effort on what doesn't work, and help you focus on what does.

We Would Love To Have You! 

If you're ready to  set yourself up for massive success as an ex-cop, we would love to work with you.

Sign Up Now

Join the waiting list: Be the first to know about our next course - Coming Soon!

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Ready to start your next chapter?
Join us in the next cohort of the Career Change Challenge!

Sign Up Now